Se trainer, c'est le mot, car on a vraiment tout fait lentement cette journee. On s'est prepare lentement, on a marche pour la station de MTR lentement, on s'est arrete prendre 2 ou 3 cafes en route, bref, c'est deja le milieu de l'aprem quand on s'assoit dans le MTR.
Un bon plan d'ailleurs pour le MTR. Si vous etes de passage pendant un moment sur Hong Kong, faites vous faire une Octopus card. Ca coute 150HK$ (15 euros) mais vous donne 100HK$ de credit. Ca marche pour le MTR mais bien ailleurs aussi (genre certains ferries). Et pas besoin de justificatif de domicile ou quoique ce soit. Vraiment pratique.
Pour aller a Macau, la solution la plus economique c'est le ferry. La traversee prend a peu pres 45minutes. Vous pouvez aussi vous y rendre en 15 minutes en prenant l'helicoptere, mais ca vous coutera un peu plus....
Et pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas Macau, je dirais que c'est la soeur portugaise d'Hong-Kong. Changement d'architecture garanti.
On arrive aux terminaux de ferry sur l'ile d'Hong Kong, et bien evidemment on s'est plante... Le terminal pour Macau n'est pas avec tous les autres intra Hong-Kong mais 500m plus loin. On se traine donc 500m plus loin.
On se perd vaguement au passage dans un centre commercial (il y en a partout ici, et souvent il vous faudra les traverser pour aller ou vous voulez), puis on arrive a notre terminal. Un mec nous voyant un peu paumes nous alpague pour nous vendre 2 tickets. Et 2 bouteilles d'eau en cadeau (ca se voit tant que ca qu'on transpire?). Efficace, il ne nous reste plus qu'a nous faire coller notre autocollant de siege sur notre billet par Monsieur-qui-distribue-les-numeros-de-siege, passer les controles d'immigration, et on est tout bons.
Le ferry est assez neuf, et propre. Des ecrans plats nous diffusent des images de Macau, ou une nana au sourire colgate nous montre le Macau des strass paillettes. Certes ce Macau existe mais globalement on a pas vu tant que ca de strass et de paillettes. Nous dirons que les strass et paillettes sont localises et ne s'eparpillent pas trop...
Arrives a Macau, rebelotte, immigration, super longue attente mais ca fait toujours des tampons de plus sur le passeport...On a reserve un hotel pour la nuit. On s'est dit que vu l'heure qu'il etait autant qu'on passe la nuit ici puis qu'on profite pleinement du lendemain pour visiter. Notre hotel est l'Hotel Royal Macau, je peux vous dire qu'on le connait son nom car on l'a attendu!!
En fait chaque grand hotel a Macau (souvent casino aussi) vous propose son service de navettes. Des mini bus qui viennent vous chercher au terminal pour vous amener gratuitement a l'hotel. Et des navettes il y en a des dizaines! Du Grand Lisboa, du Venitian, du Greek je sais pas quoi, du Sands, enfin ca défile. Mais de l'hotel Royal, que dalle!!
Comme on trouve rien on part se promener un peu le long de la rive voir les casinos, mais c'est pas si interessant comme il ne fait pas encore nuit. On revient, on nous dit que notre navette est blanche et devrait arriver. Cool. Donc la j'en vois des marrons, violettes, bleues pales, vertes, oranges mais pas de blanches... 10 minutes, pas de navettes, 20 minutes, toujours pas de navettes, alors que ca fait au moins la 4eme navette Venetian qu'on voit passer... On hesite a aller prendre un taxi mais logiquement c'est toujours quand tu pars que la navette arrive. Ca manque pas, apres 30minutes, notre navette arrive. Et on attend encore un peu plus dedans au cas ou il y ait d'autres passagers...
On arrive finalement a notre Hotel Royal un peu fatigues... Au guichet, rebelotte, attente... Et on a mis un moment a se rendre compte que les chinois ne se faisait pas ch*er. En fait, nous on attend poliment derriere le client d'avant nous. A une distance "seuil de confidentialite" raisonnable. Mais les autres mecs, il en ont rien a faire. Ils viennent confortablement s'installer tout a cote du client qui est en train de remplir ses formulaires, et lui tiennent presque son stylo pour signer son recu de carte bancaire! Bonjour l'impolitesse, mais au moins ca leur permet de griller la queue. On en a laisse passer 3 comme ca, avant de se rendre compte que non, ces gens la n'etaient pas ensemble...
C'est finalement notre tour, le petit jeune de la reception se confond en excuse pour l'attente, en meme temps ca semble etre le theme de la journee. On remplit tout ces petits papiers puis il nous tend nos cartes clefs. Arrives au 17eme etage, manque de pot, nos cartes marchent pas.
Retour etage 2 (souvent ici le rez-de-chaussee est l'etage 2, ne me demandez pas pourquoi). Le mec nous reimprime nos cartes, retour etage 17. Marche toujours pas. Le voyant reste bloque sur gris. Cette loose. 3eme essai, cette fois ci un mec vient avec nous.
Et a force de secouage de porte savant il nous fait rentrer. Enfin... Il est deja 20h...
On voulait aller au resto, du coup on va pas trop trainer. Le resto qu'on vise c'est le "Fernando's", un resto traditional portugais visiblement assez repute. Steve a lu de tres bonnes critiques dessus. Et puis c'est clair que la il commence a faire faim...
Rafraichissement eclair, puis retour a la reception pour demander ou est notre fameux restos. Le mec nous balance un drole de regard "ils sont fous ces touristes", car en fait le Fernando's est completement a l'autre bout de Macau, sur une autre ile, Coloane. Genre 30minutes de taxis. Il est sympa et nous ecrit l'adresse en chinois a l'attention de notre futur chauffeur.
[a imprimer et montrer au chauffeur si vous voulez vous y rendre ;) franchement je n'arrive pas a saisir comment ils peuvent se lire! Les chinois doivent tous etre des genies...]
Les 30minutes ne nous derangent pas, ca nous fera une visite de Macau By Night, d'autant plus qu'on va traverser l'un des ponts pour s'y rendre. Le pont...
Évidement comme cette journee semble etre sous le signe de l'attente, qui se prend l'embouteillage qui n'arrive jamais sur le pont ? C'est nous! Enfin a ce point on en rigole. Mais il a interet a etre bon ce resto!
On finit par traverser le pont, avec un petit supplement embouteillage au compteur, et on arrive sur Taipa. L'ile de l'autre cote. D'autres casinos, dont le gigantesque Venetian dont je vous parlerai plus tard. Faut avouer qu'il en jette...
Le décors change tout a coup, les paysages deviennent plus sauvages et la route plus sinueuse. Apres 25minutes de taxis et environs 110macau$ (le macau $ vaut a peu pres la meme chose que le HK$) on arrive dans un tout petit village a l'autre bout de Coloane. Je crois franchement qu'on ne pouvait pas faire plus loin (enfin si, y'a toujours la Chine).
Le Fernando's est completement plein, c'est un resto bien sympa de style un peu colonial avec poutres en bois et nappes a carreaux blanches et rouges.
Il y a 2 salles, on nous trouve une table dans la salle de derriere, pour y arriver il faut passer par dehors, ou se trouve le bar.
Le genre de bar exterieur que tu trouves que dans les pays chauds, qu'est ce que ca fait du bien, on se sent vraiment en vacances, il ne manque plus que la piscine exterieure! Enfin, en meme temps la tout ce qu'on veut c'est manger! La carte est en portugais... Je sais juste que Bacala c'est la morue, et puis j'essaie de comprendre 2 ou 3 autres trucs avec mes vieux cours de latin, mais pas de quoi aller bien loin... Heureusement, on trouve sur la table une sorte de petite brochure avec les photos des plats.
On commande un poisson grille (je ne sais pas lequel mais il y l'air trop bon), de la morue en sorte de saute, et les "clams" du chef (je ne sais pas a quel coquillage ca correspond en france, c'etait la 1ere fois que j'en goutais). Bon alors je n'aurais qu'un mot pour ce repas: de-li-cieux, je pense qu'a ce jour Steve ne s'est toujours pas remis de ses clams... Il s'est felicite pendant des heures de son choix! Bon ok, les clams dechiraient tout... Enfin ce resto est une super bonne adresse! Mon poisson etait excellent, et en plus ils nous en ont amene 2 pour le meme prix!
Vraiment vraiment sympa, on ne regrette pas une seconde d'avoir traverse tout Macau.
Et en fait sur le (long) chemin du retour on a l'intention de s'arreter au Venetian, l'un des casinos que l'on a vu a l'aller. On est a Macau, on peut pas ne pas voir de casino!
Seulement voila... On est dans un village plutot paume... Et le dernier taxi nous est passe sous les yeux... Il y a bien un bus, le "25" mais on comprend rien au arrets, tout est ecrit en chinois. On baragouine un "4 seasons - Venetian" a un chauffeur dubitatif, en glissant des pieces de monnaie dans son petit compte pieces jusqu'a ce qu'il nous dise stop. Mais il ne nous dit pas stop.
Heureusement l'ado de derriere nous dans la fille lui balance un truc en chinois et magiquement tout devient bon (en meme temps on en a eu que pour 60cents par personne..). La balade en bus est vraiment fun, soit les routes sont en mauvais etat, soit le bus a besoin de nouvelles suspensions! Ce qui est cool aussi c'est qu'on a pas du tout peur de rater notre arret, les casinos sont tellement gigantesques et clinquants qu'on ne risque pas de les manquer...
Pendant qu'on est dans le bus je vous propose de vous parler un peu du Venetian. Le Venetian c'est le plus gros casino de Macau. Et aussi du monde. C'est le 4eme plus gros batiment du monde (en surface couverte)! Sachant que le 1er doit etre l'usine d'assemblage de Boeing...
Le Venetian est un immense supermarche du jeu. Que dis-je ? Un hypermarche! Voire meme 2, 3 hypermarches! J'ai regarde sur internet, et la surface casino est de 50000m2 (le plus gros hypermarche de France, dans la region parisienne fait dans les 20000m2) bref pas etonnant qu'on s'y soit perdus! [le Venetian version bleue - Toujours l'oeuvre de Steve - Suis desolee de devoir le citer tout le temps mais comme je lui ai dit que mon blog etait lu par des millions de personnes, il a insiste pour etre cite...]Pendant qu'on est dans le bus je vous propose de vous parler un peu du Venetian. Le Venetian c'est le plus gros casino de Macau. Et aussi du monde. C'est le 4eme plus gros batiment du monde (en surface couverte)! Sachant que le 1er doit etre l'usine d'assemblage de Boeing...
Le bus nous depose donc a ce fameux Venetian... Pas un chat dans la rue, et on est pourtant samedi soir. Il s'agit d'un des plus gros casino au monde, et il n'y a pas un chat dans la rue. Super bizarre. Peut etre que l'action est a l'interieur...
L'interieur est..... dore... Tres dore, tres bling bling, ils ont essayer de se la jouer plafond sophistique comme vous pouvez le voir en dessous...
[j'en ai marre je ne le cite plus]
Et au bout de cette tres longue allee il y a le casino! Alors le casino c'est pas du tout ce que j'imaginais. Des milliers de personnes (principalement asiatiques) s'activent aux tables/machines. Et ici ca a pas l'air de deconner, t'es la pour jouer! Steve me dit qu'on est a mille lieues de Las Vegas. Ici c'est serieux. Il y a des milliers de machines a sous (3000 je crois avoir lu), et des tables a n'en plus finir, ou des croupiers blases distribuent inlassablement leurs cartes. On cherche un petit rafraichissement, apparemment a Las Vegas on te l'apporte aux tables, ben ici on n'a meme pas trouve le bar... Il parait que les asiatiques n'ont pas la culture de la boisson... Je vois ca... En tous cas la ni Steve, ni moi ne sommes dans l'esprit claquer notre thunes sans meme pas pouvoir boire un verre! En plus toutes ces tables, et ces bruits de machines a sous ca fait tourner la tete... On decide d'abandonner le Venetian pour trouver un casino plus petit et tant qu'a faire un bar. Il y a le Hard Rock Cafe pas loin. Ca peut convenir.
(je coupe le passage ou on s'est perdus. Un truc de malade ce casino, a te rendre fou)
Toujours personne dans la rue. Justes quelques ravissantes ados, enfin, des travailleuses a ce que l'on me dira plus tard..
On arrive au Hard Rock Cafe, leur bar est plutot beau, mais leurs cocktails..... Beeeeuuuuuurrrkk! Encore a ce jour, rien que d'y penser j'en ai la nausee. On s'etait dit qu'on allait se poser un moment et siroter un cocktail avant d'aller au casino, mais la nana elle a du vouloir nous empoisonner! Mon cocktail est surement fait a base de tequila frelatée melangee au shaker avec de l'eau du robinet! C'est immonde! Et celui de Steve est a peine moins pire car il a eu un peu de sirop. Serieux, je comprends maintenant pourquoi ce n'est pas une nation de buveur, parce que si c'est pour boire des trucs comme ca! Beurk et re-beurk..
On est quand meme alles jouer un peu apres, mais je pense que le casino n'est vraiment fun que quand tu sais vraiment jouer a quelque chose (Il parait que je serais surement une excellente joueuse de Blackjack qu'on m'a dit :)
Ben voila, j'apprends a jouer et je pars a Las Vegas!
(je coupe le passage ou on s'est perdus. Un truc de malade ce casino, a te rendre fou)
Toujours personne dans la rue. Justes quelques ravissantes ados, enfin, des travailleuses a ce que l'on me dira plus tard..
On arrive au Hard Rock Cafe, leur bar est plutot beau, mais leurs cocktails..... Beeeeuuuuuurrrkk! Encore a ce jour, rien que d'y penser j'en ai la nausee. On s'etait dit qu'on allait se poser un moment et siroter un cocktail avant d'aller au casino, mais la nana elle a du vouloir nous empoisonner! Mon cocktail est surement fait a base de tequila frelatée melangee au shaker avec de l'eau du robinet! C'est immonde! Et celui de Steve est a peine moins pire car il a eu un peu de sirop. Serieux, je comprends maintenant pourquoi ce n'est pas une nation de buveur, parce que si c'est pour boire des trucs comme ca! Beurk et re-beurk..
On est quand meme alles jouer un peu apres, mais je pense que le casino n'est vraiment fun que quand tu sais vraiment jouer a quelque chose (Il parait que je serais surement une excellente joueuse de Blackjack qu'on m'a dit :)
Ben voila, j'apprends a jouer et je pars a Las Vegas!
[Et le plafond en zoom]
[The Venetian, pink version - Artwork from Steve]
Pffiou, after yesterday, we really deserved our sleep-in! Very slow day today, but still we decide to drag our useless bodies to Macau... But not too fast.. Slowly.. Yes slowly is the key word of the day, we got prepared slowly, we walked to the MTR slowly, we stopped to drink slowly 2 or 3 coffees on our way... And here we are it is already the middle of the afternoon when we sit in the MTR.
Speaking of MTR, a good plan if you are staying in Hong Kong for a few days is to get the Octopus card. It costs only 150HK$ but gives you a 100HK$ credit. It works on the MTR but also in other places, such as some ferries. You do not even need to prove you live in HK. Really convenient thsi Octopus card (to not be mixed with the Oyster Card, I know it is they both live in the sea, but they may not understand if you talk about Oysters instead of Octopus...).
To go to Macau, the most economical solution is the ferry. The crossing takes about 45 minutes. You can also get there in 15 minutes if you take the helicopter, but it is slightly more expensive....
And for those who never heard of Macau, I would say that it is Hong-Kong portuguese sister. Very different architecture.
After about 30minutes, we arrive at the ferry terminals, on Hong Kong island, but it looks like we are not quite at the right place ... The terminal to Macau is not with all the other intra-Hong Kong terminals but 500m further. So we slowly walked 500m further... On our way to the terminal, we got slightly lost in a shopping mall (shopping malls are everywhere here, often, you will have to cross shopping malls to get where you want to go.
Once more, it must look quite obvious that we are not chinese, as a guy stopped us to give us 2 ferry tickets. As well as 2 water bottles for free (Is our sweat that obvious?)
No we just have to see mister sitcker (the guy that sticks your seat number on your ticket), go through immigration and it is all good. The ferry is quite new and clean. 3 flat screens show a video of Macau, where a hollywood smile girl shows us the "tinsel and glitter" Macau. That Macau certainely exists, but we have not seen so much "tinsel and glitter" in our discovery of downtown Macau. I guess tinsel and glitter do not mix with the rest of Macau. (Will be in the next article)
Arrived in Macau, here we go again, immigration, takes forever, but it always makes more stamps on the passport.
We have booked an hotel for the night. We knew we would arrive late and wanted to get at least a full day to discover Macau. We picked the Hotel Royal Macau. And I can tell you we remember very well the name because we would have waited for the d*mn Hotel Royal Macau Shuttle! Every big hotel in Macau (very often Hotel and casino as well) offers a complimentary shuttle service. The mini bus picks you up at the terminal and drives you for free to your hotel. And there are heaps of shuttle! Grand Lisboa, the Venetian, the Greek I-don't-remember-what know not what, the Sands, etc etc. But Hotel Royal, nothing at all!
As our shuttle does not seem to come, we go for a little stroll along the sea front to see the casinos, but it is not so much fun as it is still daylight. So we go back to the ferry terminal to get our shuttle back, we are told that our shuttle is white and should arrive... Cool. So we can see brown shuttles, purple suttles, blue shuttles, green shuttles, orange shuttles but no white shuttle... 10 minutes, no shuttle, 20 minutes, still no shuttle, while it must be at least the 4th Venetian shuttle we see! We hesitate to grab a cab, but it is usually always when you leave that the shuttle arrive. And here it is! Finally! But we are not arrived yet... We have to wait for potential other passengers... No mister driver, the others must be dead by now, or would have walked to the hotel.....
We finally arrive at our Hotel Royal.... a little tired ... And at the reception, here we go again, we have to wait ... And it took us a moment to realise that Chinese people really had no manners! As our society taught us, we are politely waiting behing the previous customers. At a reasonable distance called "threshold of confidentiality". But the other guys, they absolutely do not care! They just bypass the whole queue, bends over the reception counter and nearly hold the pen of the customer to help him sign his credit card receipt! Oh hello rudeness! It took us three of them to finally realised that no, all these people were not part of the same group and that we were being sre*ed!
But it is finally our turn... the young guy at the reception profusely apologize for the wait, but it seems in a way that "wait and slow" are the themes of the day. Steve fills out the paper, and we get our bedroom keycards. Arrived at the 17th floor. No luck. Keycards do not work. Back to the 2nd floor (here the 2nd floor is very often the ground floor, do not ask me why). The young guy magnetically reprint our keycards and back the the 17th! Still not working.... D*mn! Back to the 2nd floor again! but this time a guy comes with us. He shakes the key or the door or both and we finally get it. It is 8pm. And we are exhausted.
We wanted to go to the restaurant, so no rest, otherwise after we will not move. The restaurant is called "Fernando's", it is a traditional Portuguese restaurant apparently quite popular. Steve read very good reviews about it on the internet, and we clearly start to be hungry.
Quick refreshment, and back to the reception to ask where this famous restaurants is. The guy gives us a weird look "Crazy tourists", because actually Fernando's is on the other end of Macau, on another island, Coloane. Maybe 30minutes taxi. But he is nice and write for the driver the address in Chinese.
[To print and show to the driver if you want to get there ;) Sincerely, chinese people must all be geniuses because I do not get how they can read that...]
The 30 minutes taxi drive does not annoy us at all, because this way we will get to see Macau by Night! Should be really nice, as we will have to cross one of the bridges at one point. The bridge....
We are cursed... Traffic jam on the bridge.. Seriously?? What were the odds to get a d*mn traffic jam on the bridge at this time of the day! But at this point we just laugh about it and enjoy the views of Macau by Night. But still, the restaurant better be good!
We finally make it to the other island (Taipa) with a small additional traffic jam fee on the meter. There are other casinos here, giant casinos, including the gigantic Venetian which I will talk about later.
The scenery changes drastically, the landscape becomes wilder and the road turns much more. After about 25minutes taxi and 110macau$ less (the macau $ has almost the same value as the HK $) we arrive in a tiny village on the other side of Coloane. Apart China, we could not have gone further....
Fernando's is completely full, it is a very nice restaurant sort of colonial style with wooden beams and red and white tablecloths. There are two rooms, we got a table on the backyard room. To get there you have to go through the bar.
[Visual Artwork of the bar - Still from Steve]
The kind of bar that you find in Club Med, in tropical countries. It feels really good, makes you feel on vacations! The only thing missing is the swimming pool... But that's ok because at this time, all we want is to eat!
The menu is in portuguese, I just recognize the bacala, and 2 or 3 other things thanks to my old latin classes. But not enough to understand the menu! Fortunately, someone left a little booklet with the pictures of the dishes on the table.
We ordered grilled fish (I do not know what fish it was, but it was very nice), some stir fried bacala, and the "clams du chef". Well then I will only have one word for this meal: de-li-cious, I think that to this date, Steve has still not recovered from his clam ... He congratulated himself for hours for his choice! Ok, the clams kicked ass ...
So yes, excellent address! And they even brought me 2 grilled fish for the same price!
[My super grilled fish]
Very very nice, we do not regret one second to have crossed the entire Macau.
And in fact that will be a (long) way back but we intend to stop half way at the Venetian, one of the casinos that we saw on our way to the restaurant. We are in Macau so we have to see the casinos!
But here is the problem... the village is quite far away from everything ... And the last taxi just left ... There is a bus, the "25" but we do not understand anything to the stops, as everything is written in Chinese. So we try a shy "4 Seasons ? Venetian ?" to the driver and he lets us in. Well at least we do not have to be afraid to miss our stop, casinos are so.... visible here.
The bus ride is really fun, not quite sure if the roads are bad or if the bus suspensions are dead though... Well while we are in the bus I will tell you a little bit more about the Venetian. The Venetian is the largest casino in Macau. And also in the world. This is the 4th largest building in the world (in covered surface)! The 1st one being the Boeing assembly line....
The Venetian is a huge gambling supermarket. What did I just say? Supermarket? No it is an hypermarket! Or even 2, 3 hypermarkets! I looked on the internet and the casino area is 50000m2! (the largest hypermarket in France (near Paris) is around 20000m2) No surprise we got lost!
[The Venetian, blue version - Still Artwork from Steve - I am sorry that I have to put his name everytime but I told him that my blog was read by millions of readers, so he sort of insisted to get the credits for his pics ;)..]
The bus dropped us at the famous Venetian ... Not a soul in the street, and it is Saturday night. This is one of the largest casino in the world, and there is not one soul in the street. Really weird. Maybe inside ...
The interior is ..... bling bling ... Lots of gold, very kitch, they tried to get some sophisticated ceilings as you can see below...
[I'm tired to quote him... No more quoting him ;) ]
And at the end of this very long entrance, the casino! But the casino is not at all what I thought it would be. Thousands of people (mostly Asian) are frenetically gambling at the machines or at the tables. And here you play! Steve told me that this is miles away from Las Vegas. Here it is serious. There are thousands of gambling machines (3000 I think I read), and tables where bored croupiers distribute the cards. We look for a small refreshment (apparently in Las Vegas they bring it to your table), but we did not even find the bar! It seems that Asians do not have a drinking culture ... I can see that ... But neither steve nor me are in the mood to spend all our money without even a nice cocktail! We decided to give up the Venetian casino to find a smaller one that will have a real bar. There is the Hard Rock Cafe nearby. It may be ok.
(I cut the passage or we was lost. Something crazy about that casino)
Still not a soul in the street. Just some lovely teenage girls, which happen to actually be here working...
We arrive to the Hard Rock Cafe, the bar is pretty nice, but their cocktails .....Yuuuurrrkk! Even to this day, just to think about that cocktail I want to puke. We thought that we finally found a place to quietly drink a nice cocktail but that girl just tried to poison us!! My cocktail must have been made from adulterated tequila and tab water mixed together in a shaker! Seriously, wtf ??? Steve's cocktail is harly better than mine, maybe the sweet sirup taste hides a little bit more the rest.... But now I understand why drinking is not in their habits, with such horrible cocktails I would not drink either! Yuck yuck .. and re- yuck.
After that trauma, we went to play a little while, but casinos are not so much fun when you do not know how to play really well some games (but Steve told me I would make a very good blackjack player : )
So I will have to try that! But in Vegas!!
[The Venetian, pink version - Artwork from Steve]
Pffiou, after yesterday, we really deserved our sleep-in! Very slow day today, but still we decide to drag our useless bodies to Macau... But not too fast.. Slowly.. Yes slowly is the key word of the day, we got prepared slowly, we walked to the MTR slowly, we stopped to drink slowly 2 or 3 coffees on our way... And here we are it is already the middle of the afternoon when we sit in the MTR.
Speaking of MTR, a good plan if you are staying in Hong Kong for a few days is to get the Octopus card. It costs only 150HK$ but gives you a 100HK$ credit. It works on the MTR but also in other places, such as some ferries. You do not even need to prove you live in HK. Really convenient thsi Octopus card (to not be mixed with the Oyster Card, I know it is they both live in the sea, but they may not understand if you talk about Oysters instead of Octopus...).
To go to Macau, the most economical solution is the ferry. The crossing takes about 45 minutes. You can also get there in 15 minutes if you take the helicopter, but it is slightly more expensive....
And for those who never heard of Macau, I would say that it is Hong-Kong portuguese sister. Very different architecture.
After about 30minutes, we arrive at the ferry terminals, on Hong Kong island, but it looks like we are not quite at the right place ... The terminal to Macau is not with all the other intra-Hong Kong terminals but 500m further. So we slowly walked 500m further... On our way to the terminal, we got slightly lost in a shopping mall (shopping malls are everywhere here, often, you will have to cross shopping malls to get where you want to go.
Once more, it must look quite obvious that we are not chinese, as a guy stopped us to give us 2 ferry tickets. As well as 2 water bottles for free (Is our sweat that obvious?)
No we just have to see mister sitcker (the guy that sticks your seat number on your ticket), go through immigration and it is all good. The ferry is quite new and clean. 3 flat screens show a video of Macau, where a hollywood smile girl shows us the "tinsel and glitter" Macau. That Macau certainely exists, but we have not seen so much "tinsel and glitter" in our discovery of downtown Macau. I guess tinsel and glitter do not mix with the rest of Macau. (Will be in the next article)
Arrived in Macau, here we go again, immigration, takes forever, but it always makes more stamps on the passport.
We have booked an hotel for the night. We knew we would arrive late and wanted to get at least a full day to discover Macau. We picked the Hotel Royal Macau. And I can tell you we remember very well the name because we would have waited for the d*mn Hotel Royal Macau Shuttle! Every big hotel in Macau (very often Hotel and casino as well) offers a complimentary shuttle service. The mini bus picks you up at the terminal and drives you for free to your hotel. And there are heaps of shuttle! Grand Lisboa, the Venetian, the Greek I-don't-remember-what know not what, the Sands, etc etc. But Hotel Royal, nothing at all!
As our shuttle does not seem to come, we go for a little stroll along the sea front to see the casinos, but it is not so much fun as it is still daylight. So we go back to the ferry terminal to get our shuttle back, we are told that our shuttle is white and should arrive... Cool. So we can see brown shuttles, purple suttles, blue shuttles, green shuttles, orange shuttles but no white shuttle... 10 minutes, no shuttle, 20 minutes, still no shuttle, while it must be at least the 4th Venetian shuttle we see! We hesitate to grab a cab, but it is usually always when you leave that the shuttle arrive. And here it is! Finally! But we are not arrived yet... We have to wait for potential other passengers... No mister driver, the others must be dead by now, or would have walked to the hotel.....
We finally arrive at our Hotel Royal.... a little tired ... And at the reception, here we go again, we have to wait ... And it took us a moment to realise that Chinese people really had no manners! As our society taught us, we are politely waiting behing the previous customers. At a reasonable distance called "threshold of confidentiality". But the other guys, they absolutely do not care! They just bypass the whole queue, bends over the reception counter and nearly hold the pen of the customer to help him sign his credit card receipt! Oh hello rudeness! It took us three of them to finally realised that no, all these people were not part of the same group and that we were being sre*ed!
But it is finally our turn... the young guy at the reception profusely apologize for the wait, but it seems in a way that "wait and slow" are the themes of the day. Steve fills out the paper, and we get our bedroom keycards. Arrived at the 17th floor. No luck. Keycards do not work. Back to the 2nd floor (here the 2nd floor is very often the ground floor, do not ask me why). The young guy magnetically reprint our keycards and back the the 17th! Still not working.... D*mn! Back to the 2nd floor again! but this time a guy comes with us. He shakes the key or the door or both and we finally get it. It is 8pm. And we are exhausted.
We wanted to go to the restaurant, so no rest, otherwise after we will not move. The restaurant is called "Fernando's", it is a traditional Portuguese restaurant apparently quite popular. Steve read very good reviews about it on the internet, and we clearly start to be hungry.
Quick refreshment, and back to the reception to ask where this famous restaurants is. The guy gives us a weird look "Crazy tourists", because actually Fernando's is on the other end of Macau, on another island, Coloane. Maybe 30minutes taxi. But he is nice and write for the driver the address in Chinese.
[To print and show to the driver if you want to get there ;) Sincerely, chinese people must all be geniuses because I do not get how they can read that...]
The 30 minutes taxi drive does not annoy us at all, because this way we will get to see Macau by Night! Should be really nice, as we will have to cross one of the bridges at one point. The bridge....
We are cursed... Traffic jam on the bridge.. Seriously?? What were the odds to get a d*mn traffic jam on the bridge at this time of the day! But at this point we just laugh about it and enjoy the views of Macau by Night. But still, the restaurant better be good!
We finally make it to the other island (Taipa) with a small additional traffic jam fee on the meter. There are other casinos here, giant casinos, including the gigantic Venetian which I will talk about later.
The scenery changes drastically, the landscape becomes wilder and the road turns much more. After about 25minutes taxi and 110macau$ less (the macau $ has almost the same value as the HK $) we arrive in a tiny village on the other side of Coloane. Apart China, we could not have gone further....
Fernando's is completely full, it is a very nice restaurant sort of colonial style with wooden beams and red and white tablecloths. There are two rooms, we got a table on the backyard room. To get there you have to go through the bar.
[Visual Artwork of the bar - Still from Steve]
The kind of bar that you find in Club Med, in tropical countries. It feels really good, makes you feel on vacations! The only thing missing is the swimming pool... But that's ok because at this time, all we want is to eat!
The menu is in portuguese, I just recognize the bacala, and 2 or 3 other things thanks to my old latin classes. But not enough to understand the menu! Fortunately, someone left a little booklet with the pictures of the dishes on the table.
We ordered grilled fish (I do not know what fish it was, but it was very nice), some stir fried bacala, and the "clams du chef". Well then I will only have one word for this meal: de-li-cious, I think that to this date, Steve has still not recovered from his clam ... He congratulated himself for hours for his choice! Ok, the clams kicked ass ...
So yes, excellent address! And they even brought me 2 grilled fish for the same price!
[My super grilled fish]
Very very nice, we do not regret one second to have crossed the entire Macau.
And in fact that will be a (long) way back but we intend to stop half way at the Venetian, one of the casinos that we saw on our way to the restaurant. We are in Macau so we have to see the casinos!
But here is the problem... the village is quite far away from everything ... And the last taxi just left ... There is a bus, the "25" but we do not understand anything to the stops, as everything is written in Chinese. So we try a shy "4 Seasons ? Venetian ?" to the driver and he lets us in. Well at least we do not have to be afraid to miss our stop, casinos are so.... visible here.
The bus ride is really fun, not quite sure if the roads are bad or if the bus suspensions are dead though... Well while we are in the bus I will tell you a little bit more about the Venetian. The Venetian is the largest casino in Macau. And also in the world. This is the 4th largest building in the world (in covered surface)! The 1st one being the Boeing assembly line....
The Venetian is a huge gambling supermarket. What did I just say? Supermarket? No it is an hypermarket! Or even 2, 3 hypermarkets! I looked on the internet and the casino area is 50000m2! (the largest hypermarket in France (near Paris) is around 20000m2) No surprise we got lost!
[The Venetian, blue version - Still Artwork from Steve - I am sorry that I have to put his name everytime but I told him that my blog was read by millions of readers, so he sort of insisted to get the credits for his pics ;)..]
The bus dropped us at the famous Venetian ... Not a soul in the street, and it is Saturday night. This is one of the largest casino in the world, and there is not one soul in the street. Really weird. Maybe inside ...
The interior is ..... bling bling ... Lots of gold, very kitch, they tried to get some sophisticated ceilings as you can see below...
[I'm tired to quote him... No more quoting him ;) ]
And at the end of this very long entrance, the casino! But the casino is not at all what I thought it would be. Thousands of people (mostly Asian) are frenetically gambling at the machines or at the tables. And here you play! Steve told me that this is miles away from Las Vegas. Here it is serious. There are thousands of gambling machines (3000 I think I read), and tables where bored croupiers distribute the cards. We look for a small refreshment (apparently in Las Vegas they bring it to your table), but we did not even find the bar! It seems that Asians do not have a drinking culture ... I can see that ... But neither steve nor me are in the mood to spend all our money without even a nice cocktail! We decided to give up the Venetian casino to find a smaller one that will have a real bar. There is the Hard Rock Cafe nearby. It may be ok.
(I cut the passage or we was lost. Something crazy about that casino)
Still not a soul in the street. Just some lovely teenage girls, which happen to actually be here working...
We arrive to the Hard Rock Cafe, the bar is pretty nice, but their cocktails .....Yuuuurrrkk! Even to this day, just to think about that cocktail I want to puke. We thought that we finally found a place to quietly drink a nice cocktail but that girl just tried to poison us!! My cocktail must have been made from adulterated tequila and tab water mixed together in a shaker! Seriously, wtf ??? Steve's cocktail is harly better than mine, maybe the sweet sirup taste hides a little bit more the rest.... But now I understand why drinking is not in their habits, with such horrible cocktails I would not drink either! Yuck yuck .. and re- yuck.
After that trauma, we went to play a little while, but casinos are not so much fun when you do not know how to play really well some games (but Steve told me I would make a very good blackjack player : )
So I will have to try that! But in Vegas!!
Toujours autant d'humour dans les récits
RépondreSupprimer(palpitants). Bravo
Déjà le titre de l'article,j'aime ; et j'adore
RépondreSupprimerl'adresse en chinois et le kitch des casinos
Les casinos semblent encore plus riches qu'à Las Vegas, malgré l'absence de bars.
RépondreSupprimerReportage hilarant par moments
Bizare, ces casinos-palais que vous nous faites découvrir
RépondreSupprimerC'est bien, vous sortez des sentiers battus !
RépondreSupprimerJe ne savais presque rien de Macau. Quelle place absurde ce Venetian Merci pour tout raconter!
RépondreSupprimerT'as tout bouffé ce poisson géant de la foto?
Votre recit est tres sympa et colore, et donne envie d'aller a Macau (alors que le nom en soi ne fait pas vraiment rever...)